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Changes to Rating Scale Formats Can Matter, But Usually Not That Much


feature image with rating scale and options crossed outFew things seem to elicit more opinions, exaggerations, and accusations than rating scale response options.

From the “right” number of points, the use (or not) of labels, and the presentation order (to name a few), it seems we all have thoughts on what to do (or not to do) regarding conventions and “rules” when selecting response options.

Rules and conventions often provide reasonable advice for researchers, but not always. You don’t want to have to reinvent the survey wheel each time you need to collect data. But you also don’t want to rely on a shaky foundation.

The concern many researchers have is that if you use the “wrong” format you’ll skew your results. And that’s a legitimate concern. After all, why go through all the trouble and cost of building and collecting data only to be misled by the results? But what if the “cure” for potential errors in responses is worse than the putative problem? It helps to know first if there’s a problem and how large (impactful) it is.

In writing Surveying the User Experience, we were surprised by how flimsy some of the rationales were for certain conventions, or, when we did find deleterious impacts on responses, how small they were.

While you don’t want to callously ignore potential biases and errors in responses, we’ve found that most decisions in UX and customer research are based on generally large effects. For example, you rarely need to measure the sentiment in a customer population to within 1%. We usually see decisions impacted more when differences are in the 20% or 10% range.

For example, 80% approval versus 60% (a 20% difference) is large enough to affect an important decision, but a 1% difference (80% vs. 79%) will usually not be enough. Maybe 1% is enough in special circumstances, but if the stakes are that high, you’ll know.

Over the past few years, we have investigated and quantified 21 possible effects on rating scales. We summarized the literature and, in many cases, conducted primary research with thousands of participants and either replicated, qualified, or contradicted findings from the literature.

In this article, we briefly review these 21 effects.

Standardizing the Estimated Effects

There are different ways to standardize estimated effects. It’s easy when comparing data collected as percentages (e.g., checkbox selections or top box scores), but it’s trickier when standardizing differences in rating scales collected with different numbers of response options. To manage this, we focused on converting all effect sizes to percentages based on the maximum range of the scale.

For example, a comparison of the percentage selection of recently visited websites using a grid of select-all-that-apply (SATA) checkboxes had a mean selection rate of 54.06%, while the mean selection rate for the same websites presented in a forced choice yes/no grid was 54.11%—a nonsignificant difference of 0.05% on a 0–100% scale.

To accomplish a similar standardization with rating scales, we converted all rating scale outcomes to a 0–100-point scale. When we compared ratings made with two UX-Lite variants (standard linear-numeric scale with numbered radio buttons and scales with one to five stars), the UX-Lite mean for the standard numeric scale was 83.8 and for star scales was 85.1—a difference of 1.3 points on a 0–100-point scale, so the effect size was 1.3%. When there was more than one estimate of the effect available, the individual effects were averaged to get the final estimate.

The 21 Effects

Figure 1 shows the estimates for the 21 effects, from largest to smallest. Table 1 provides more detail about the sources of the estimates.

The 21 effects (* = statistically significant effect).

Figure 1: The 21 effects (* = statistically significant effect).

ManipulationStudy DescriptionEffect SizeTakeaway/Sources
3-pt NPS*Ratings of common brands across three studies22.0%3 points not enough to measure extreme responses required to compute NPS

Sauro (2019, Aug 21)
Cultural Effect*Respondents from four countries rated mobile carriers, restaurants, and math questions12.0%Respondents from Japan less likely to select upper extreme responses

Sauro (2020, Feb 5)
SATA v Y/N SeriesSelection frequencies for mass merchants/ seller market sites visited in past year3.1%Slightly higher selection rate for Yes/No series of questions

Lewis & Sauro (2021)
Neutral PointOne retrospective and one task-based study varying number of scale points3.0%Top box slightly higher w/o neutral point (effect on means is 1.5%)

Sauro (2017, Nov 29), Lewis & Sauro (2023, Aug 8)

Horizontal v VerticalMultiple studies in which scale orientation was manipulated2.1%Slightly higher for vertical

Friedman & Friedman (1995), Chrzan et al. (2012), Mockovak (2018), Lewis & Sauro (2021, Nov 9)
Question OrderMultiple studies in which a general satisfaction question is answered before or after a series of more specific items2.0%General satisfaction ratings slightly higher after responding to specific items (UX-only effect is 0.5%)

Auh et al. (2003), Van de Walle & Van Ryzin (2011), Kaplan et al. (2013), Lewis (2019), Sauro (2019, Jan 9), Thau et al. (2020)
StarsRatings of streaming entertainment services1.3%Slightly higher means for stars

Lewis & Sauro (2020, Jul 22)
Number of PointsMultiple studies with variation in number of scale points1.2%Slightly lower number with more points

Sauro (2017, Nov 29), Lewis & Erdinç (2017), Lewis (2021), Lewis & Sauro (2022, Aug 16), Lewis & Sauro (2023, Aug 8)
Neutral Point LabelingRatings of common brands across two studies1.0%Slight increase in selection of center point when labeled “Neutral”

Sauro (2019, Mar 6)
ColorMultiple studies with constant or varied rating scale coloring1.0%Slightly higher means for scales with color

Tourangeau et al. (2009), Sauro (2019, Oct 23)
GridsMultiple studies in which respondents provided ratings as individual questions or in grids0.9%Slightly higher means for items in grids

Chrzan et al. (2012), Mockovak (2018), Sauro (2019, Mar 20)
SlidersRatings of various websites across two studies0.8%Slightly higher means for sliders relative to radio buttons

Lewis & Sauro (2020, Jul 15, Nov 10), Lewis & Sauro (2021, Nov 30, Dec 14)
Item Tone (SUS)SUS ratings of various products across two studies0.8%Standard SUS scores slightly higher than positive version

Sauro & Lewis (2011), Kortum et al. (2021)
Negative NumbersRatings of streaming entertainment services0.7%Slightly higher means for scales with negative numbers

Lewis & Sauro (2020, Sep 16)
EmojisRatings of streaming entertainment services0.5%Slightly lower means for face emojis

Lewis & Sauro (2020, Sep 9)
Point ShiftingRespondents rated a sequence of SEQ, UX-Lite, and LTR items with standard numbers of response options or unvarying 5-pt scales0.5%Slightly higher means overall for unvarying 5-pt scales

Lewis & Sauro (2022, Aug 16)
Left-side BiasMultiple studies in which respondents provided ratings on scales with standard and reversed polarity0.5%Slight tendency for respondents to select the leftmost option

(Mathews (1927), Friedman et al. (1993), Weng & Cheng (2000), Lewis (2019), Lewis & Sauro (2022, May 17)
Endpoint v Partial v Full LabelingRatings of satisfaction with smartphone across two studies0.4%Different outcomes: slightly higher means for 5-pt endpoint-only; slightly higher means for 7-pt fully labeled

Sauro & Lewis (2020, Jan 22)
Extremely v VeryRecent retail purchase0.3%Slightly higher means for "Very"

Sauro (2019, Dec 11)
Agreement AcquiescenceThree studies estimating acquiescence in different ways0.3%Slightly higher means for positive-tone agreement items

Sauro (2020, Feb 5), Lewis (2018), Lewis & Sauro (2023, see Sauro & Lewis, 2024, p. 193)
SATA v Y/N GridSelection frequencies for mass merchants/ seller market sites visited in past year0.1%Slightly higher selection rate for yes/no grid

Lewis & Sauro (2021)

Table 1: Summary details for the effects (* = statistically significant effect).


Changes to rating scale formats can matter, but usually not that much.

As shown in Figure 1 and Table 1, more than half of the manipulations we investigated (11/21) had less than a 1% impact on outcomes. Only four manipulations had estimated effects of 3% or more, and only two of those were statistically significant.

The largest effect we found (22%) was from an experiment we conducted to investigate a poorly informed recommendation to use just three response options to measure the likelihood to recommend (would not recommend, unsure, would recommend) based on the mistaken belief that people have trouble responding to an eleven-point scale (0–10). Trying to fix this nonexistent problem would create a real problem—the inability to identify respondents with a very strong intention to recommend, making this a good example of the “cure” being worse than the “disease.”

The smallest effect was a difference of 0.1% in selection rates for a select-all-that-apply grid versus a forced choice yes/no grid. The format had virtually no effect on selection rates, but only 13% of participants indicated a preference for the forced choice yes/no grid, while over 70% preferred clicking the checkboxes they wanted in the select-all-that-apply grid.

Most manipulations had minimal impact. One thing is clear from Figure 1: there were no effects we studied where the estimated effect was exactly 0. On the one hand, that may fuel the concern that you should be even more cautious because this shows that changes do impact results. On the other hand, what this actually shows is something central to hypothesis testing. When you use a large enough sample size you will almost always find a difference, and at any sample size, it’s unlikely to get a difference of exactly 0. For practical significance, it’s not whether there’s a difference but the size of the difference that matters. In seven of the 21 manipulations in Table 1, the difference was less than or equal to half of a percent, and in 13 of 21 manipulations, the estimated difference was less than or equal to 1%.

There could be other effects. Although we have investigated many potential impacts on rating scales, other manipulations could possibly (and even likely) affect your data. After all, our largest effect came from some bad advice, so in the future, it’s certainly possible new cures will be proposed that cause more harm than good. If we see any, we’ll test and let you know!

We provided links in Table 1 so you can explore the literature that documents studies conducted on these 21 manipulations. Or, for a complete discussion of these effects and the supporting sources, see pp. 116-256 in Surveying the User Experience. We also have a companion course that follows the book on MeasuringUniversity.com.

Takeaway: Changes to rating scales matter, but usually not that much in applied UX research. Focus more on doing something about your findings than arguing over the number of points in a scale (or any of the other manipulations that have negligible effects on outcomes).

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